Monday, March 24, 2014

6x1: The Long-Take Shoot

My experience with the one-minute one-take shoot was very cool. My girlfriend was with me, which made it even better and she actually decided to be in it, so that was cool. I thought fast-paced nature of the shoot made it a little stressful, but once we figured out how it was going to work it wasn't as difficult as I anticipated. Everything went pretty smooth actually. I felt very comfortable processing the film with Sam, and Brooke and Tomasina made sure we blocked everything well before we shot and they ensured that we did not go over our time. We ended up shooting in 24 fps and we are going to slow down the footage to slow-motion. Most of the time the groups worked fairly independently. It wasn't until we go to the transferring process that we all really worked together to make sure that the projector was properly loaded and everything. It was a very cool experience getting to shoot on the bolex for the first time, and using 16mm. I hope I will get to use it again on some personal projects in the future.

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