Monday, February 3, 2014


The Ted Talks videos about synesthesia were very eye-opening. I am very interested in the concept of visualizing sounds, especially music. It got me thinking...what if the music we associate with happiness or sadness also make shapes that could be associated with happiness or sadness. It seems that cymatics have a constant effect on our minds (mostly subconsciously) and it is fortunate that there are people with the gift of sensing these different ways of perception. Daniel Tammet's paintings were intriguing. It is interesting to re-think the way numbers can be expressed. I can't imagine having the ability to see forms like his paintings when thinking about certain numbers. Seeing Evan Grant's video gave me what I think would be a really cool idea. I would now like to do a videos installation project with a live band where each instrument's frequencies were run through a cymatic processor and projected live on their own screens. I think that would be and completely new and unique psychedelic experience, especially to be a part of the band playing the music.

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